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Wednesday 19 November 2014

Sometimes Sacrifice Can NOT be Avoided - (274)


We may spend much time and effort working on ourselves so that we don’t feel the harshness or pain of having to make a sacrifice, or simply we may just not want to make a sacrifice, that is give something up that proves very painful and difficult to do.

Moment of Comprehension

After much struggle and comprehension the moment arrives that you realise that really to progress something must be given up or sacrificed. In other words something inferior must be given up to make way for something superior.

Suspension and Depression

It always happens that the longer we delay making this sacrifice the more in suspension we hold ourselves, and to be held in suspension for too long is very dangerous, especially on our morale. Depression easily follows the state of being held in the state of non-progress.

Not Accepting Sacrifice

Our whole problem before this moment was that we fought and fought against this idea that we had to give this thing up, we fought and rebelled and rejected the idea that a sacrifice had to be made and we even felt it far too difficult to make that sacrifice. We all the time thought that we could have this thing and still make progress or that having it wouldn’t matter or that it really does not need to be sacrificed because it is just too pleasurable and furthermore that it can not be sacrificed even.

When we think that things do not have to be sacrificed we are wrong, because sacrifice is going on all around us all the time. Just like Master Samael says petrol is sacrificed in the engine of a car to make it move and coal is sacrificed in the engine of locomotive to make the train move. Oxygen is sacrificed to allow us to breathe, animals and plants are all sacrificed for us to eat and continue living. 

This is sacrifice in action because the human being is a very important organ of the Earth and so nature makes a sacrifice whereby an inferior creature is sacrificed to allow a superior creature to continue existing so as to continue the life of the planet.

Pain of Sacrifice

We may have the idea that pain is not part of the work on ourselves and generally it is not and working on ourselves makes us happier and heals much of the psychological pain that we feel. However, just sometimes we can not avoid making sacrifices that cost us some difficulty or pain. 

The real message of this post is that really at times we have to make some sacrifices that hurt but are for the better, they lead us to the superior. So pain of sacrifice is sometimes unavoidable but suffering is up to us.

True Sacrifices

True sacrifices are held true because behind them is a solid logical and noble reason. There are of course useless sacrifices where something was sacrificed to only lead nowhere. When we sacrifice something it is always to attain something superior. This superior thing of course has to be wanted by the person and has to be understood by the person making the sacrifice that it is much better for them and others.


So in conclusion the point that wanted to make with this post is that just sometimes we have to sacrifice things in order to be truly able to dissolve the ego. We need to give up things and we need to bear the pain and difficulty of it. The difficulty or pain of it can be made very bearable by fully understanding that we are sacrificing something to gain something superior and that something superior will elevate us to much happier, peaceful and enlightened state or level of Being.

“Master Samael says it so wisely in that for something to be born, something has first to die”, and sometimes that which has to die has to be sacrificed. This can not be avoided.

End (274).

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Morning Prayer – Backdrop for the Day - (273)

The Days Backdrop

To pray in the morning is quite important I find. Why? Because it from experience it really sets the backdrop for the day. It sets our day right in our spiritual work. It places our spiritual goals in our mind and heart and strengthens them there. It is very important I find!

Without praying in the morning one goes about the day without that special grace that we can get from our Divine Mother and without a firm direction. Prayer in the morning gives us some strength to pass through the day working on ourselves and not be swallowed by life and its impressions. Morning prayer protects us from dangers, conflicts and problems and isolates us from the effects of our egos. In a nutshell it helps us to die in ourselves and go about our day in an honest way.


Experiment and see if praying in the morning to one’s Divine Father and Mother deep within makes a difference to your day and if it does then it seems to logical that the habit of praying in the morning would serve you well.

End (273).

Reason why Fornication Bears so much Karma - (272)


The main reason why human beings currently strengthen lust and fornication so much is because of the ignorance of the mysteries of sex. If one knew in depth about sex and sexual energy not only from the physical perspective but from the psychological and esoteric perspectives the human being would use sex and behave sexually, in a very different way to the current and common way.

Sexual Energy

Sexual energy is the same life force as our essence, but it is that life force condensed into a physical form. The problem is that the human being does not know that, nor suspect it, so to the normal way of thinking is that the sexual energy does not carry much value, people value silver, gold, diamonds, cars, computers etc. much more and so for people to expel it from the body is no big deal and because people do not know the value of the sexual energy, the karma they get for expelling it is less than for the one that knows.

If one Knows

If one knows what the sexual energy is and one expels it then the whole situation changes. Expelling the sexual energy then is a voluntary act and that incurs serious karma. Why? Because when one expels the sexual energy one is wasting or destroying the life force energy of the Universe deposited into him or her and so one is pronouncing one against the same life force energy that animates everything in creation, human beings, animals, insects, trees, minerals etc.
So in fornicating one is against the life force energy of the cosmos and to be voluntarily doing this means to be against the whole of life, the source of life even, and so one is an enemy of the balance, the unity, the harmony, life itself in the universe. Therefore a great karma falls upon the person, with the purpose of the person being able to balance the great imbalance they have created in themselves by being against balance and disturbing the balance within themselves.

Also as Master Samael explains, when one fornicates or loses the sexual energy very negative atoms enter the body to fill the void that was created. And of course living up to their name these negative atoms create negative states within us and negative states lead to negative actions which lead to much disharmony and eventually pain in the home or relationship or in the relationship with oneself.


That is really why we get so much karma for fornicating because we with that act put ourselves against eh source of life. We even get karma if we do not know anything about the sexual energy because we are still expelling life from ourselves. The karma though is less than it is for those who know about what the sexual energy is. That is why the person who transmutes needs much death so not as to be tempted by the ego to make mistakes such as fornication which incur great karma and stop one, or throw one off the path.

End (272).

Tuesday 4 November 2014

The Rise of Duality and Relativity - (271)

Where does Duality Come From?

Follow the headings below to understand where duality comes from.

Absolute – Law of Zero

In the very centre of the absolute in the chaos is the law of zero. The non-being, where there is no light or darkness. There is creation and life in potential.

Law of One – Unity

In the outer levels of the absolute is the law of One, the great Unity of all Beings - the unity of everything, the Great Common Cosmic Father.

Creation – Duality

Outside of the Absolute is creation and the first manifestation of creation is a departure from the law of one, which can be nothing other than the law of two, since two is the next number away from one. There we have duality.

Two principles that entwine, oppose and struggle against one another, yet these two principles are defined by virtue of each other, they are co-dependent, one can not exist without the other. They define one another. They can be known as ying and yang, male and female, light and darkness, evolutionary and devolutionary (involutionary) and in a somewhat incorrect manner, good and bad or good and evil.

After Duality is Relativity

Once there are two things or two principles we have the rise of relativity. Relativity needs that there be two things, it can no exist when there is only one thing. Relativity uses the other to as a reference to then compare and define one according to the other.


So the order is unity, duality and then relativity. The order in which we free ourselves is we free ourselves from relativity first then duality afterwards and then we fuse with the unity and later submerge into the zero into the non-being.

End (271).

The Fall is the Absurd – Gold Traded for Lead - (270)

The Precious for the Worthless

If we analyse any type of spiritual, ethical, moral or psychological fall we see this very common theme: that of giving up the precious for the worthless and what’s more the worthless that brings us bitterness.

It is as if when we fall we trade precious gold for worthless heavy, burdensome lead.

Association with Lower Levels of Being

Something else that is very characteristic to the fall is that before eh fall there is an association with people of a lower level of Being. The association is partial but when the fall is complete the association becomes full and painful, before the fall it was not so painful. It would be better if it were then people probably would not fall.


This seems to be a very common tend or characteristic of any fall, , especially with the ego we always give up reality, life, clarity, consciousness, peace, intelligence for the bitterness, blindness and inferior emotions of the ego.

End (270).