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Tuesday 30 December 2014

2015 Kabbalistically Speaking is 8 - (292)

Happy New Year!

First of all Happy New Year to all those who are reading this post!

I wish you much success this year in all your human, psychological and esoteric/spiritual endeavours. May this year bring to you the well-deserved fruits of your labours. May you all be safe, well and content, and of course may as always your loving inner Divine Being be close to you along with the Masters of the White Lodge and the Christ (He is with us always anyway!).

2015 = 8 in Kabbalah

If we add up Kabbalistically 2015, we get 8, just as 2014 Kabbalistically was 7.

2014 in Hindsight

In hindsight 2014 was for filled with some stability, perhaps owing to the number 14 present in the number 2014, but overall, mentally speaking there were some struggles and fights amongst those I know and within myself.  

So the 7’s property, that of mental fights held true. There was also many small triumphs as well in the human field, which is what the number 7 brings.

The Number 8

Number 8 is actually a difficult number, usually tests, suffering, patience and justice are associated with it. Which can be mean, that things take a long time and are difficult, many obstacles are encountered before obtaining the result.

However, the saving grace is that in the number 8 there is justice, there is that very important factor that according to what we put into something, we receive, so if we persevere through these difficulties we will get the triumph and those difficulties are in some way just, we deserve them, they come to us for a very good reason. The good thing is though, that in overcoming them we pay certain debts that we at some point will have to pay.

Conclusion - Expect this Year to be a Little Hard

So in conclusion now, we have to work hard to overcome any obstacles and difficulties but if we honestly work hard we will obtain in justice the result we are looking for and justly, rightly deserve.
As always the more merits we have the easier, and if we are low in merits or capital, we just have to work to create them. Death always pays the most!

End (292).

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