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Monday 29 December 2014

Why is it Wrong for a Single Gnostic to Engage in Casual Liaisons Even if the Energy is not Lost? - (291)


First of all putting all morals, fear, prejudices aside, why I am doing this is because reasons based in these things don’t seem to help the person who is in this situation. So in this post I am going to explain why it is wrong for a single Gnostic person to engage in casual liaisons with a person of the opposite sex, whether that person be Gnostic or not Gnostic, using reasons not based in morals, fear or prejudice.

Reason 1 – Hiding, Anxiety and Lies

Even if a person does not lose their sexual energy in the encounter it is still not convenient for the person. Why because the person will of course keep it in hiding and will not tell any of his or her Gnostic friends. This alone indicates to the person that something is wrong, because if something is right we naturally tell the whole world. Doing things in hiding is stressful, produces anxiety and leads one to lie and feel endlessly nervous and restless.

You also become two faced to develop a shadowy second life that will one day catch up with the person rather painfully.

Reason 2 – Strengthens the Ego

Not deceiving ourselves and being very honest, lust is behind such things of casual liaisons. Because the ego or rather other egos such as pride and selfishness do not want the commitment and complications that are involved in an open, decent and honest relationship or either the other person is not liked in terms of a relationship but only for pleasure or sex.

So such liaisons just strengthen the ego of lust and other egos and one day we have to dissolve those egos and when we have to we will find them very strong and what worse when we strengthen an ego the more it bothers us and takes away our peace.

Reason 3 – Doesn’t Really Benefit or Enhance Our Work

Basically such an encounter does not really enhance the person’s work, even say if they didn’t lose the energy and transmuted, the esoteric effect is minimal, because there is no love between the couple, only some degree of lust and the Kundalini does not awaken when there is no love. The transmutation would have to be repeated many times over with the same person to have some decent effect and then why not marry and be official about it.

If the other person is not Gnostic then who can tell what they are doing and what other links they have to other people and what sort of a mixture of atoms do they have inside of them that can be harmful when one transmutes. So such a liaison with a person that has many links and atoms from other partners would not be convenient at all for the Gnostic person, because the Gnostic gets in some way linked to them.

Basically if something does not enhance, dignify or benefit our work it is doing what to our work? The opposite right!

Reason 4 – Karma

We may get into trouble for playing with the mysteries of sexuality. White sexual magic works with love and commitment and one another person who is a hermetic glass.

Reason 5 – Minor Mysteries can be Degraded

Say if you are single you could well be in the minor mysteries if you have been in Gnosis for a long while and you have been working honestly on yourself and have not been losing the energy. Then such an activity can’t make one to progress on the minor mysteries can it. I don’t know how it could? Most likely, to make one to go backwards because they are strengthening the error that will definitely make them to fail in the path later on.

Reason 6 – Creates or Strengthens Recurrences

Liaisons like this create recurrences or strengthen recurrences that you later will have to face and overcome if you want success on the path.

Such liaisons don’t really help the other person do they? If you are Gnostic you are probably not going to stay with the person and if you are you will probably to try to bring to Gnosis and that may not work and so it could be you leaving the work on yourself and that will not really benefit your soul will it? So the person will be unhappy because you leave them or bring them into something that they may not want to be in, and furthermore if you leave the work on yourself they get sad seeing you sad having left the work on making your essence shine.


There are more reasons, but for now I will leave it there. Perhaps in a later post I will take up writing down some more reasons. Anyhow if one understands deeply the psychical, psychological and esoteric reasons why one should not engage in something then one avoid entering it or either pull out of it in a permanent firm and solid way. It could be pulling out of arguments, discussions, conversations, this or that ego, fantasy, habits, you name it.

End (291).

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