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Monday 29 December 2014

Esoteric Function of Metals in the Earth - (287)


Metals as with everything else can be seen in three perspectives, which are the physical, psychological and the esoteric. The physical way of looking at metals would be as they are seen in the Earth and in a laboratory studying their physical and chemical properties, the psychological – approaching very much the esoteric, would be how Master Samael treats them in his short book “The Metallic Planets of Alchemy”. Another way to see metals in the esoteric perspective is to see metals from their cosmic sense or function.

Note, this post will look at metals as they are seen in the Earth, however a following post will touch on some aspects of the way metals are seen in the cosmic sense.

Relationship to Metals

Metals have a relationship to all of life on Earth actually, especially to human beings. We most certainly would not have all that we have today if it were not for metals. We have our place in the world now owing largely to metals and we have transformed the face of the Earth with metals and our use of them.

We in fact breathe thanks to the help of iron and our blood is formed thanks to the help of copper. We carry almost a cosmos of metals inside of us and we most certainly depend upon them for our physiological functions.

Metals are Everywhere

As was mentioned earlier metals are related to all of life on the Earth, that is the four kingdoms, mineral, plant, animal and human. In the mineral kingdom, many metals make up the minerals and rocks.

The seas and oceans are tinged with metals and the air also contains a very light concentration of them, it is said that there is a constant flow of meteoritic dust that floats down onto the Earth from the cosmos and this dust contains mainly iron. This is very interesting because it is implies that iron is a cosmic substance, not just a substance belonging only to the Earth.

Even the light that reaches earth contains the spectral lines of iron, gold and many other known metals making the light something of metallic type of light. So in effect metals are everywhere in one form or another, however it is only in the Earth that we find them in their very physical, dense form and often in a form that disguises them, such as the various metals ores.


The plants need the metal magnesium to make up chlorophyll which combined with air and water allows a plant to grow.


Smaller animals need copper to breathe whereas the larger animals as well as human beings need iron to breathe. Calcium is used as a building block to make up bones and also tooth enamel in animals and humans, however metals are often present in the bodies of plants, animals and humans in various measure of concentrations making their dynamic way of acting more important, that is how they interact with other substances in our body and the function that they fulfil.


No doubt if we were to map all the metal concentrations on the planet earth we would actually come across a metallic organ map of the Earth. It also seems in the human body that certain metals are drawn to certain organs. Later posts will deal more with this topic of how the metals relate to the organs in the human body and how the metals of the Earth form organ-like bodies in the Earth.

The following image shows the world’s concentrations of copper mineral. It seems that most of the world’s copper mineral is located along the west coast of the Americas. 

Earth Dissolves Metals

What is very interesting though with regard to metals and the Earth, is that the Earth has the metals mostly in an impure state. That is the Earth dissolves the pure metals into ores, minerals and other compounds. Only the noble or precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum are found in their pure form in the Earth. The Earth really likes through its processes to destroy the metallic condition. It actually takes human being a lot of energy and time to extract the pure metal from the ores of the Earth, the ores, the very Earthly material have to be mixed with other chemicals and much heat, movement and electricity to be able to extract the pure metal.

It is as if the metals are like plants where they have an Earthly part represented by their roots extending into the soil, but they really extend towards to the cosmos and are nourished from the cosmos by cosmic rays, light and air, that is the things that are intangible. Plants are a mixture of both the Earthly and the cosmic, just like metals are, because the pure metal is the result of its Earthly component (ore) and the intangible energies such as heat, movement and electricity to make them to exist. The ore is exactly like the see of a plant, where from the Earthly substance comes the pure metal.


Metals are really then cosmic entities. Their metallic condition is a stranger to the Earth, the Earth does not produce it, it on the contrary dissolves. The metallic condition is the result of the mixture of the Earthly, the ore and the intangible, energy which comes from above. So metals are intermediaries just as plants are. The plants and the metals both capture certain cosmic energies and transmit them into the Earth. So the metals have the function in the Earth of fusing certain powers from the cosmos into the Earth, that is connecting the spheres and energies above and beyond the Earth to the Earth herself.

Remarkable, this gives one a whole new perception of what a metal really is. So then the gold, copper or iron that you wear has the function of drawing certain cosmic forces to you and remember as we mentioned before metals are cosmic substances, iron is found pure in meteorites for example and so metals in their pure condition do not belong to the Earth they are of the cosmos but can be extracted or transmuted out of the Earth.

End (287).

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