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Monday 29 December 2014

Salt, Sulphur and Mercury - (288)


Much is mentioned of these three substances in Alchemy and in Gnosis: Salt, Sulphur and Mercury. Without some explanation such as that offered by Gnosis, the salt and the sulphur remain something mysterious and confusing. 

Here is a very good explanation, taken from the very wise ancient sages where they spoke of three processes occurring in the mineral kingdom.


Salt to the Ancients was the very Earthly substance, for example: “the salt of the Earth”, the ore in metallic terms, or the very physical and tangible.


The Sulphur to the ancients was the substance that was saturated with the intangible, that is with energy, warmth, electricity, light and other cosmic forces and rays.


The mercury was the substance that was the result of the sulphur acting on the salt, that is the intangible energies acting on tangible substances. Mercury was the substance that was open to the interplay of both forces, that is one radiating out from the Earth and the other radiating in from the cosmos.


In Gnosis and in Alchemy the sulphur is the fire of the Divine Mother and the Mercury is the result of the transmutation, which is the erotic sexual fire (sulphur) acting on the salt where the energy in the salt or raw mercury (seminal entity), is extracted and rises up the spinal column into the brain. The Mercury is not Sulphur nor salt but a result of both, where it comes from the salt but is extracted by the sulphur.

End (288).

1 comment:

  1. Your article has piqued a lot of positive interest. I can see why since you have done such a good job of making it interesting.
