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Monday 15 December 2014

How to Face the Ego (278)


One way to face the ego is to do something that is the opposite of it. Put your mind on something and then be very vigilant to the ego and egos that will put their thoughts into our mind.

In the Instant

In that very instant that we see the thoughts and feel the impulse of the ego we are facing it, we are able to see what it wants and how is wants to go about it.

The Key

But the key is to actually do something that has nothing to do with that ego. An example is to go and walk up and down a large room and set your yourself the goal to walk up and down the length of that room 10 times without stopping and without getting identified with any the ego.


With such an intention and alert focus the ego will pop up trying to distract us and get us to identify with it. Any exercise that has the same principles will allow us to face the ego. The best is mediation, hold the position of meditation and wait for that ego to appear and be alert and clear to see it when it arises. 

Then delve into it perceive what it wants, what it thinks, what it feels, do this with concentration and then capture it and analyse it, finding any truth in it what it thinks and feels. The ego is dissolved basically when we see its logic (thoughts and feelings) as false or incorrect and not of value to us.


Just as the image in this post suggests the ego is that beguiling voice in our head, using very enticingly powerful arguments for us to think its thoughts and then identify with it. In other words become it. If we stay in the realm of the heart we are separate from the realm of the mind and therefore separate from the ego.

End (278).

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