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Monday 15 December 2014

Connection between Lust and Magic (277)


This connection between lust and magic is a form of black magic. In fact any combination of magic and the ego is black magic. In other words when working with the invisible forces of nature and creation with the interest of benefiting the ego then this work becomes black.

Fifth Labour of Hercules

In the fifth labour of Hercules, Hercules as legend has it, has to destroy the Stymphalian birds or the Harpies. This work Master Samael tells us in performed in the abyss of the planet Mars and has to do with the dissolution of the egos of witchcraft and black magic. 

A big component of those egos of black magic is lust I was told and taught, and frankly I never really understood why until recently. So this post is about why lust is connected to the egos of black magic or why it forms part of those egos.

Why of the Connection Lust and Magic

Why are these two elements or egos connected. Well the reason why people have used and probably still do use magic in relation to lust is because they can not get the object of their lust by any other way so they resort to magic. They have tried all the various different ways and it didn’t work so they resort to magical means, which have to be black because white magic would never go against the will of another human being.

Just as a side note, the reason why typically men rape women is all because of their lust. They can not fulfil the desire of their lust through normal decent means so they resort to the use of force to fulfil it. Rape is the result of heavy delusion.


That I think is the reason why lust and the egos of black magic, witchcraft are connected. There has been since ancient times that of spells and potions and things of that order to make the desired one fall in love with the one making the performing the or taking part in the magic act. Doing things like that goes against balance and naturally incurs karma.

End (277).

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