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Monday 29 December 2014

Maximum Expression of affection a Single Gnostic Person can Extend to a Married Person - (289)


What I am going to put forward in this post came from a dream I had. I think that it is quite important to know this bit of information because it can clearly draw a line in front of us, so that we know that if we don’t cross it we will be safe humanly, socially etc., but more importantly spiritually or esoterically speaking as well.

The Line

In the dream basically I learnt that the maximum expression of affection or appreciation a single Gnostic person can extend to a married person of the opposite sex is a very decent brief kiss on the cheek, done when there is good reason for it, say for example after they have given us a gift or have done something noteworthy for us or at the end of a project or during a celebration of some sort where mutual feelings of gratitude are shared amongst all those present.


This is very helpful actually for me to know anyway because as I mentioned earlier we can keep ourselves out of trouble. Perhaps some people may not agree according to culture and background but anyway if you apply this you’ll be fine, that is my honest appreciation and thoughts.

End (289).

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