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Monday 15 December 2014

Predicting Human Action - (276)


A very easy way to predict what a person will do is to know how they think.

Action Follows Thought

If we know how a person thinks we can know with much certainty what that person will do in a given event or in a given situation with certain impressions.

If we know the person well we can know what they will do. A big part of knowing a person is knowing their values and principles and of course on the other side is knowing their chief characteristic or their principal psychological profile (P.P.P). The P.P.P is behind so many of a person’s actions and decisions.


This usually never fails, because it seems to be an immutable law of human behaviour that action follows thinking. It is impossible for us to do something that is not in our mind first. Unless of course, action is generated by our instinctive centre, which is one of the centres that operates independently of the mind. The motor centre on the other hand does not operate independently of the intellectual centre.

End (276).

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