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Sunday 11 January 2015

Pride and Lust – Double PPP - (304)


We know that the PPP, that is the Principal Psychological Profile is a causal factor, meaning that it is something that by itself forms a cause for many tragedies, dramas, circumstances and comedies. We know that it is the cause of our fall and the reason or the cause of many of our life’s circumstances and our of thoughts, emotions and inner states.

Sometimes it is as if Lust and Pride are Together in the PPP

As causal factors lust and pride are together, in fact they form a very dynamic duo that is very powerful in lowering our level of being. In fact working together they are responsible for our fall, usually Pride is the expression of the first desire to be something more, something different, it is the first expression of inconformity with the unity, the whole and the Being. Pride produces a distance or a separate from the whole, the unity and the being but the connection is still there, it maybe be weak but it is still there, though lust is the one that produces the disconnection, i.e. definitely cuts the connection and so we fall.

Without lust we would not be able to fall and without pride we would not have used lust to fall either. So they work hand in hand. However over time in through our various lives one of these egos Pride or Lust comes to be stronger than the other.

If One’s PPP is Pride, Pride will be found in Lust but not the Other Way Around

If your PPP is Pride, you find wit at the root or base of your lust and your Pride will use your lust, it will trigger your lust. Sometimes Pride uses lust for control, for dominance, for revenge for superiority for many other reasons. Lust can use pride such as vanity etc. to shape the body to be more attractive etc. but the cases where pride uses lust will far out number the cases where lust uses pride if one’s PPP is actually in fact Pride.

Work Lust to Find Pride

Sometimes, we in our psychological work have to overcome lust then the gymnasium with pride comes to us. Working on lust opens the way to find and work on pride. Lust is like a distraction that delays this work on our core egoical structure which is the PPP.

Working on Lust Re-establishes the Connection (Order and Peace)

Working on Lust may bring much order and peace to one because the core of one’s energies are flowing correctly and that there is less distraction and one can maintain their level of being and level of alertness and focus on their work. However, it does change our sexual nature which then changes us because if we change our core sexual energy we change our selves fundamentally. It puts us on the right track. It strengthens and helps to re-establish that broken connection with the Being. Because ultimately transmuting and awakening Kundalini is when we re-establish that connection to the Being and that is only achieved by working on lust, not succumbing to it.

Working on Pride Closes the Distance (Restores our True Nature)

When we work on pride we actually begin to change our inner nature, making it much more filled with good will, much more benevolent, balanced, unifying and closer to the nature of our essence and Being. Working on pride brings heaps of difficulties to our life, problems, fights, insults, offences, unfairness you name it. The result is balance and equanimity in the face of such things. It brings a shift in our centre of gravity from the false personality to the essence and our Being. It draws us closer to our Being. So it then restores our true nature which is ultimately that of the Being.


Lust and Pride are a duo that work together usually and really should both be worked upon. Both are causal factors and working on one or controlling one allows access to the other. Working on lust re-establishes the connection and working on Pride closes the distance between us and the Being. So the order is to work on lust to create the connection to the Being and work on pride to close the distance to our Being.

End (304).

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