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Monday 12 January 2015

Why is the Devil Depicted with a Tail? - (305)


The devil in nearly every image that you see of him, he is depicted as a male wielding a trident or three pronged pitch fork and a tail. In an earlier post (302) we talked about the trident and this post we will cover the tail.

The Tail

The tail is something very esoteric. The tail in esotericism is an aspect of the Divine Mother, it is a mini representation of the Divine fire of the Universe. It is a Divine force that is used in creation, it is the electricity of life, the force of life, the intelligence and the spark that animates living creatures, it is a derivation of the Universal prana of life. 

That fire of the Divine Mother of the Cosmos in miniature that is in all of us (though dormant) is always represented by a snake or as Master Samael says a “serpentine fire” or a tail. In its positive aspect the fiery serpent ascends or points upwards and in its negative aspect it points downwards (tail).

Devil and the Tail

The devil has the tail or the negative aspect of the Divine Mother or Kundalini as it is often called. Please note, in its negative aspect the kundalini is called the kundabuffer in English, or Kundatiguador in Spanish.

So the devil with his tail is telling us that he has this fiery power and can use it, however as it is a tail (something projected out and down) it shows us that this tail is a negative power, i.e. a power that is used to create negatively. It also corresponds to the sexuality that is used to acquire this power, the out and downward flow of the sexual energy is what develops this power, however the inward and upward sexuality develops the power of the Kundalini which is the Divine fire working positively in the light and this is not represented by a tail but by an ascending serpent that is sometimes shown as a cobra protruding from the forehead of the initiate, just as in the pharaohs of Egypt, especially in their sarcophagus’ like with Tutankhamun.

Hypnotic Grip

The devil has a tail to show us also of the hypnotic grip of the kundabuffer. The power that the ego has over us is due to the hypnotic grip of the ego, the hypnotic grip of the ego keeps us doing the actions of the ego even when we know that it is wrong  and harmful to us and others. The tail or hypnotic grip signifies the devil’s ability to seduce and tempt us, to beguile and convince to fail to his temptations. If we defeat the hypnotic grip of ur egos we will also be better able to defeat his temptations. In The temptations of the devil or the Typhon Baphomet we can always back out it is us that take his temptation, he just puts it in front of us but we make the mistake of taking it.


The tail is the kundabuffer or the kundalini polarised negatively, the Kundalini helps us to break the hypnosis under which are and to break free from the ego and to ascend to the light. The kundalini connects us to our interior divinity however the kundabuffer or the tail of eh devil connects to the infernal worlds or regions of nature, in other words the fantasy and absurd hypnosis of eh ego. It enslaves us in the or ties us increasingly more as it develops to the ego and the abyss.

End (305).

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