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Friday 9 January 2015

Temptation is Best Solved with Love - (302)


The best way to solve any temptation is with love.

Operate with Love

Operate with love in the temptation and it will benefit all, love will wash away the desire it will transmute it into something that you feel fine about sacrificing or letting go of.

When Love is Active

When love is active in us we are at peace and we feel the benefit that we can give others and that can be used to overcome the temptation because to fail does not mean to benefit ourselves and others.

To Fail

To fail to a temptation does not help us nor the people in involved really. Why because they are vehicles of our fall, the karma we get, they will also get and if the temptation is about doing something wrong and they are involved in that something wrong, then they will reap their consequences that may not be very pleasant, so to fail is to do wrong to others who are involved and for the people that love us it obviously hurts them. The fail in a temptation always involves others in some degree ort another and to fail is not expressing love, well maybe a love but that love in the end turns out to be the lesser love, one that we mistook in the temptation as being the greater love!


Use love to solve your temptation because love will not make you feel bad about letting go of that desire which is at the heart of the temptation!

End (302).

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