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Thursday 8 January 2015

Temptation is Won or Lost in the Mind - (301)


As mentioned earlier any temptation develops in the mind and is sustained in the mind and it is decided upon in the mind to either defeat or succumb to the temptation. 

Thought to Emotion to Action to Overcome or to Succumb

Emotion follows mind and action follows emotion. So if we have lost the battle in the mind the chances are we will lose the battle in the motor centre and that is where the problems in our path and life will really begin for us.


We must be very careful with our mind, especially with the thoughts, with the ideas to do with the temptation, with the plans to do with the temptation, with the fantasies and the projections to do with the temptation.

We can observe them all appear in our mind, what makes it really worse for us is when we elaborate with our mind upon those ideas and plans etc. and then start to decide upon them.

When Psychological Work does not seem to Help

Sometimes working on those ideas and thoughts and desires does not really make us feel any better, perhaps worse because we feel guilty and ashamed. What is better for the moment, that is, as a temporary measure is to concentrate on not elaborating the thoughts related tot eh temptation. Release them from the mind and as we do not give them force they slip away and as we get on with our life they will go to our background and our state will change and then we can see much more clearly the justifications, the desires, the reasons why we can’t or do not want to let go of the temptation etc.


When under temptation, whether it has come to us out of the blue or whether we have brought it on, I sincerely recommend to focus on the mind, seeing the thoughts and being ultra careful to not feed to elaborate the thoughts or mental activity related to the issues of the temptation. Whatever that temptation turns out to be! Money, power, sex, resentment, grudges, revenge, etc. etc.

End (301).

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