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Monday 26 January 2015

When Given A Gnostic Activity - (308)


The Gnostic environment is very dynamic and can prove to provide one with a strong psychological gymnasium at times. Just one element of thousands of elements in the Gnostic school environment is being given the chance to lead an activity.

This post introduces an attitude to have when given a Gnostic Activity to lead.. This attitude has served me well and has avoided me creating many problems. I hope that it can be useful for you too.

Be Prepared to do but also Prepared to Let Go!

Basically this attitude is to assume that you are going to lead the activity and be prepared in all that you are going to say and do to the best of your ability but most importantly be very prepared for things to change and for you to not end up leading the activity.

Things Change – A Law

Things do Change and when they do adapt to them that is best. Don’t worry your effort in preparing for them won’t go to waste, you will get another chance, you can wrote it down and create an article out of it or you can even make a short video and post it somewhere.

You never know the other person that took your spot may say the same thing as you, i.e. deliver the same message or even deliver a message that is what the audience needs most to hear.


In conclusion, everything changes be very wary of that and be prepared for things to change but also very well technically prepared to do it just in case things don’t change.

End (308).

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