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Thursday 22 January 2015

Where is One’s Consciousness of Evil? - (307)


An awakened person is said in Gnosis to be above, beyond and outside of both good and evil. So an awakened person is not good nor evil, but what makes him or her that is that the awakened person has consciousness of all the good and all the evil of things. The awakened one sees the reality, which is the truth and the truth is the magic combination of both sides good and evil.

Evil Outside and Inside

Certainly evil is outside of us in the actions of our fellow man and of course it is also inside us.

We can witness the evil of others, even experience it, be harmed by it or even benefit by it inadvertedly and we can also observe the evil that we have inside us in terms of what is in our psyche. That is the negative thoughts, ideas, desires and ill-intentions etc.

However how can one become really aware or conscious of evil? Is it to study all the evil of the world and the abyss or is it to know profoundly the evil we carry within?

Awareness of Evil is in Our Karma.

We can become very aware of the evil outside of ourselves in the world, but to know it profoundly we have to be in it or to have taken part in it, i.e. experienced it directly. In fact we all have to some degree taken part in evil and therefore have experienced it. Of course some a lot more than others.

The evil that we have taken part in, is left with us in our psyche but more importantly in our karma. The karma we have is the karma for having done evil in a greater or lesser degree. Karma is also in our subconscious.

So in other words if we want to be conscious and wise about evil we have to look deeply into our own karma. Our karma holds these secrets and wisdom.


Those beings that have delved deep into evil will one day when they are able to be free from all their karmic debts for having done so will have a tremendous amount of consciousness. This is not an excuse or an invitation or suggestion to go into evil , but only information that from the conscious payment and comprehension of our karma and egos will come much consciousness and wisdom and in that consciousness and wisdom is the awareness and comprehension of what that particular evil is, of why it is inconvenient, how it can be overcome, avoided and not repeated.

End (307).

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