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Wednesday 18 February 2015

Creation of the Weapon Called the Swastika - (326)


Master Samael is reported to have said, perhaps it is in one of the transcribed talks in the two volumed tome of transcribed talks titled "El Quinto Evangelo" (The Fifth gospel) that the swastika which symbolizes the great Arcanum was created by the Pygmies (spiritually speaking) as a weapon against the Titans.


Much is spoken about the Titans in the Greek myths. The behaviour of the Titans that seems to be mostly aggressive is confusing, especially since they are gods.

Master Samael says that the Titans were or are pre-existing cosmic gods. That is, in Gnostic language Gods of or from previous Cosmic Days.

The Titans Had Imperfections

Indeed as Master Samael said the Titans had some imperfections and residual karmic debts. That is karmic debts from the previous Cosmic Day.

Creation was Necessary

Because of the imperfections that the Titans had creation was necessary for them to discover the mystery of their imperfections and to pay their karmic debts.

Master Samael said something really amazing. He said that if there was no karma there would be no creation. So creation is needed to pay karma. This is because is in the Absolute there is no processing of karma. That is, karma is not paid in the Absolute.

The Titans generated waves of creation or life so that the Titans or pre-cosmic Gods could enter creation. They had to initiate it and they did this by sending waves of life which included many pygmies or essences from the Absolute outwards into creation.


The pygmies are the essences or those monads that are not self-realised and therefore compared to the Titans or Gods they are spiritually speaking small.

Pygmies Fabricate a Weapon

To escape the tyranny of the titans, that is to not have to enter into creation to make creation possible just for the Titans to pay their karma, the pygmies fabricated the swastika a special, secret weapon to be able to return to the Absolute and not remain stuck in creation.

Conclusion – The Swastika

The swastika is the cross in movement or in other words the Alchemy.

So the Alchemy or the transmutation or transcendental sexuality is the key to return to the Absolute as a self-realized Monad, because a pygmy is controlled by the Titans but a pygmy who is self-realised can return to the Absolute as a God beyond the control of the Archons and the Titans.

End (326).

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