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Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Three Great Teachers - (325)


There are three great teachers: Life, Nature and the Law. If we want to know if our concepts, thoughts, ideas, actions, feelings and attitudes are correct, we have to, or rather we can screen them against the three great teachers: life, nature and law.

I learnt this lesson from a great teacher himself.


This factor is to observe how the things are in our life. We should have our concepts, thoughts, feelings and actions in aligned with the way things are in or operate in life.

Master Samael said that "truth is never far from nature".


Observe the laws and principles of nature. We should act and align our concepts in accordance with those laws and principles.


This teacher is basically the law of Kama, the law of cause and effect. This teacher is also the law of balance.

If we act in accordance with balance all good equanimous and magnanimous things will come to us. Pain and difficulties will distance themselves from us! Balance is always best.


To align ourselves with what these three great teaches teach and show us is a way to get things right in life, to know the right way to conduct ourselves and to be able to know what to correct ourselves in and how to correct ourselves.

End (325).

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