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Monday 9 February 2015

Is Gnosis a Cult? - (317)

Quick Answer

No. Read on to know why.


If we look at the common characteristics of a cult we will see why Gnosis is not a cult.

Closed Community

Cults are commonly closed to the general community, and they usually live as a community somewhere isolated like in the outskirts of the city.

Usually cult members do not work outside the community the community is mostly self-sufficient and all members work to fulfil the needs of the community.

Gnosis is certainly not like that at all. All Gnostic students live within cities and work with others who are certainly not in Gnosis. Gnostic students at the most attend the Gnostic centre two times per week for two hours each session - hardly a live in effort or commitment.

Cults are definitely not international organisations like what Gnosis is. Cults are usually one group or community only.

Marry within the Cult

Cult members must marry others within the cult. In Gnosis that is not a must and many students are married to people who are not in Gnosis or have interest in Gnosis. However, it is very much recommender that the married couple be in Gnosis together.

Leader is a like Messiah

Usually these cults have as their leader someone who is like a messiah or similar or reincarnation of Jesus or Buddha or similar.

In Gnosis this is certainly not the case, the missionary is the leader of the group but is not certainly not a Messiah or something similar. He or she may be an initiate or master but that is a master of him or herself.

Large Donations

In cults members are required to give up all or a large part of their possessions or donate large quantities of money and this is certainly not the case in Gnosis. Students only give what they would like to give. If you run a Gnostic centre you will see that students typically give relatively little and when they can.

Beliefs Different to Conventional Religions

Often cults have beliefs that are off on a tangent to the conventional beliefs of religions. They are still stuck in beliefs and they are not about knowing. Gnosis is not conventional but it is not about believing, it is more about knowing. Anyway what is in Gnosis can be found in the traditions of old.

Prophetic Doom

Often cults have a date or time or when the world will end, or at least a tremendous belief in that the end of the world is coming soon. Gnosis there are principles and laws at play that indicate that indicate that the humanity or the earth is coming close to the end of a natural cycle that will mean many changes and in Gnosis it is said that humanity is slowly degrading and that can be clear verified by just observing the latest events and society and people in general.


Cult members are usually fanatical about their activities and beliefs. In Gnosis the way is of the consciousness and the consciousness is balance and knowing it is not fanatical.

Some cults are so fanatical that they get violent.

No Cult Works in the Dissolution of the ‘I’

Most definitely, to finish off this post, no cult works in the dissolution of the ‘I’. But in Gnosis we definitely do. If a cult did work in the dissolution of the ‘I’ they would change and cease being a cult.


When examining the common characteristics of a cult it is clear that Gnosis is not a cult.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

End (317).

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