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Sunday 8 February 2015

To Say No is to say Yes to Something Else - (316)


Because of duality to say no to something is really to say yes to the opposite or to something else.

No to the Ego is Yes to the Being

When we say no to the ego we are not just saying no to everything, in saying no we are saying yes to the Being, to ourselves and to the work and to the Gnostic brothers and sisters in the work.

We tend to think a no to the ego is just all there is, one big fat painful no! But really there is always the other side which we do not often see - the yes side which is s big fat yes to the something really nice and beautiful – the Being.

Feel Happy! Because a No is a Yes!

Next time you have to say to the ego or something or someone see that you are saying yes to the Being or yes to yourself. Which is great.


I have used this bit of knowledge which comes from the study of duality, that to say no is not so bad and in my difficult decisions that I have had to make remembering that I am also saying yes has helped me emotionally in a tremendous way. So next time you find yourself saying no, think that you are actually saying yes and that yes is comforting, right, fine, less stressful, better in the long run etc.

End (316).

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