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Thursday 12 February 2015

Lust - the Search for Love Relative to Senses and Sex - (322)


At the bottom of lust is really the search for a kind of love and acceptance.

Something knows in us that to have sex even if it is once, is to be loved and accepted in some way.

So the problem here lies, not in the search for love but in the way it is searched for and where. Lust thinks love is where its ideas of what pleases the senses are satisfied and that love is found in the sexual act. In some way that is true but definitely not exclusively true. Lust gets it wrong when it only considers these two places and rules everything out.

The Search

However this search for love is done by considering the sexual act and making sure the senses and their criteria are pleased.

Vision of Lust

Lust only thinks of the senses, matter, sensations and the sexual act. It only happens to look through these very limited lenses – it has tunnel vision. 

It thinks love is possible when the senses are fulfilled, when the sexual act is complete. That is why it looks for those things only and does not consider anything else, mainly because the love of lust is the sensual kind of love.


There are other ways to search for love. But the correct way is the full or total picture not the narrow picture that lust makes a human being to think that love is found and fulfilled through the senses and the sexual act. A broader view considering all three types of love will change this very narrow and incorrect view that lust has.

End (322).

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