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Thursday 12 February 2015

Lust is Disconnection - (321)


We can give lust the definition of being a certain kind of sexuality that is polarised in matter, the senses, sensations and the sexual act. Its search is mainly for completion, satisfaction, comfort, excitement, distraction from sadness etc. through these things (matter, senses etc.).

If we Observe Lust

If we observe lust we will find that it is disconnection. If we observe what is going on in our centres, (intellect, emotion etc.) and in our psychology, when we have the ego of lust in our human machine we will find something like a war inside of us. 

Lust actually separates us from sex and our sexual centre. What we get inside of us when we have lust in our human machine is a fight between sex and our brain or between sex and our emotions. When lust is in our human machine we become driven by sex, and we either don’t want to be driven and we feel fear or resistance or nervousness or either we are out to get what the sexual centre in us wants. But once again there are two parts to us, us and the sexual centre, where we are either working for the sexual centre or not wanting to work for it.

So lust introduces a war in us, always! Lust also introduces duality into us and this duality is the cause of the war. It is universal, one whole equals peace, two parts equals conflict.

If we were One with Sex

If sex were one with us we would use sex to make us more whole and therefore happier. Not use it against us or in duality. If we were to integrate ourselves with the sexual centre and see the truth that it is really part of our whole body and fully accept it and see it as myself as something that works for me and not against me we would naturally not accept lust and peace would be with us and when there is peace there is happiness too.

For me this is the basis of supra-sexuality the integration and acceptance with our sexual centre in a way that dignifies us. The opposite leads to many deviations in sex and in many twists especially taking on violence because that conflict can only bring violence and more violence etc.

Supra-Sexuality is Connection

The flower of supra-sexuality is the Kundalini and the Intimate Christ and these marvellous aspects come to us to connect us more with our intimate Divine Being. Lust being the opposite of supra-sexuality means the opposite of connection which is disconnection. The Kundalini connects us to the Divine Mother and links us to our inner bodies and our inner bodies link us to the parts of the Being and the Intimate Christ unifies with us, assumes our fight against the ego, so the Intimate Christ integrates Himself with us in us and Him being in us links us and integrates us more and more with Atman His father.


Lust is certainly disconnection. It is the psychological disconnection that causes sex to polarise in a way that goes against us. Sex or our sexual centre is not to blame it is our psychology and our lack of acceptance and integration in the opposite sense with sex and the sexual centre. We have to love the sexual energy and our sexual organ. Love it because it is what brings us to our Being, whom is the source of everything that we need and want, wisdom, light, happiness, consciousness, abilities etc. etc.

In conclusion integrate sex and your sexual centre with your whole body. Strengthen the supra-sexuality because it is wholeness and feeling that wholeness and the happiness of it will polarise you more and more with it and the disconnection of lust will be naturally less and less welcome.

End (321).

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