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Wednesday 4 February 2015

Reading Authors other than Master Samael - (315)


Master Samael wrote very extensively about many different esoteric topics and in his writings he answered many questions that many of us have and he also laid down a practical system for us to be able to arrive through our own experience at the truth of the matter we are interested in knowing about.

The Details and the Synthesis

Sometimes because he did not have time and because he is the master of the synthesis he could not write down all the details and smaller steps to arrive at the knowledge and experiences that he wrote about.

So, in these small gaps sometimes other authors can provide some helpful hints and information or explanations. Perhaps he also had a lot of consciousness and the apprehension of the knowledge was very direct, simple and immediate not requiring many steps which is what we may require at times.


It is my recommendation that the works of other authors be used in this way, helping one in one’s understanding of Gnosis and helping one within the goals of one’s work - definitely, not taking one off on a tangent into other studies that are not really going to take one closer to self-realisation.

Authors who are Dying Mystically or Awakening

The works of other authors who are awakening or awakened or are dying in themselves are very illuminating and helpful if they are written in a way that we can understand.


As the master of the synthesis Master Samael in his works extracted the essentials out of some many different doctrines and knowledge systems and practices and really if we just practice what he has laid down or get some hints and help to practice what he laid down we will get to his aim for us.

End (315).

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