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Wednesday 11 February 2015

Some Egos are Like Fires - (320)


Definitely not all egos but some are like fires. Lust, anger, self-love etc. are like fires. They even obey the same principles of fire.

Burn Intensely but Need Fuel to Burn

They burn intensely and if we are intelligent enough to not feed them they slowly burn out by themselves for not having fuel and air to keep burning.

The more you feed them, fan them and touch them, agitate them the more intensely they burn.


Why are some egos like fire? Simple, because the ego as does everything else in creation contains the four elements within its constitution. There are some egos that much more related to fire than other egos. For example laziness is much more related to earth than lust is or pride is.

So within the nature of anger and lust is more fire than anything else and most people really know this.

Putting out a Fire

To put out a fire, you need throw water or earth (sand) on it, or starve it of air or not give it any space to expand, or just let it burn out by itself. So with anger and lust we can certainly starve it, make ourselves so busy that we don’t have time to think of lust or anger or we can use relaxation (earth - throw sand on it) or throw water on it, transmute or apply love sweetness, kindness etc.


So for the egos that have a lot of fire in their nature one very good way to deal with them is to think of them as fire and not feed them with fuel or air. That is do not feed them with your thoughts (air) and do not give them impressions (fuel).

End (320).

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