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Sunday 8 March 2015

Hope - (335)

Present a Guarantee for the Future

What we do now in the present is a grantee for the future. That is because the work that we do now goes or is transferred to the future. This is a secret that few people know. The work that we do now pays or cancels the karmic debts that we are going to receive in the future. So this work that you do now will secure and will guarantee our future karmic circumstances.

Karma – Blank Cheque for the Future

Karma is a blank cheque for the future, conclusion we have to work well and consistently now to win the latest of the Lords of the Law for them to secure your future.

We then, knowing that we are working well, now trust in the future. While others feel uncertain and unsure we can feel trust and assured. Work hard now and we can trust in our future.

There is Hope

There is hope. Hope it seems only exists in human beings. We have hope when we see we are in some sort of lacking, whether that be to do with a lack of having or a lack of being.

When for example we are suffering financially we hope one day for a better financial situation.

Two Hopes – Mechanical and Conscious

We have mechanical hope and the hope of the consciousness or conscious hope. Mechanical hope works by a mechanism of compensation.-Fantasy is also a mechanism of compensation and so fantasy and hope (mechanical) unite. Mechanical hope is really only just a desire combined with fantasy.

Hope of the Ego

Each ego has its hope. Some egos use hope much more than others. If an ego has a desire the hope that it can be fulfilled will be born.

The mechanical hope is also a belief that the ego’s desire can one day be met. With mechanical hope a person may do something for the desire to be met or a person may just do nothing.

Lust is an example of an ego that uses mechanical hope a lot.

Conscious Hope

Conscious hope is based in' action or work plus conscious faith. It knows the goal is possible and it knows that by working the goal will come. Conscious hope does not speak the words: “will it happen?” or “it can’t possibly happen".

In some way hope implies to be in darkness, it’s like a gamble. When we put all our heart into a hope we are like investing our heart in that thing, actually in what that thing could turn out to become.


Anyhow hope is a force like faith, it is an investment of our belief and faith in something.

Hope too is always related to a brighter future, where it is hoped that things or the person get a lot better. Hope is a combination of wishing and the desire for something to happen. The desire is usually from the ego and the wishing of the ego is usually the imagination of the ego and the wishing also implies some will.

Hope to conclude is something very powerful. We have to do though our best not to lose hope in the success of our path.

End (335).

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