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Friday 6 March 2015

Planetary Regents - (334)


Every planet has its consciousness and it intelligent driving or directing principle. This is commonly called in esotericism the planetary regent. Each of the planets in our Solar System have their regents.

A Regent

A regent is a Divinity, usually one that is self-realised and one that belongs to a particular cosmic ray. It is that cosmic that the planetary regent belongs to, that determines the function of the regents planet in the cosmos and in the solar system and as an influence to the other planets and their inhabitants in the Solar System.

A Regent’s Consciousness

It is said that the regent’s consciousness extends over every part of the planet even so much to be aware of the thoughts of the planet’s inhabitants. The regent’s consciousness is in charge of all things related to the planet.

The planet’s motion through space, its evolution, its geological and geographical changes, its karmic processes and its natural processes in short everything even what happens with its inhabitants.

The Regents of Ors

So for the Moon (Earth-Moon) we have Gabriel as a regent, for Mercury we have Rafael, for Venus we have Uriel, for the Earth we have Melchizadek, for Mars we have Samael, for Jupiter we have Zachariel, for Saturn we have Orifiel and for the other planes such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto we have the Roman names, which the same as their common names, i.e. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Regent of the Earth Melchizadek

It is said that Melchizadek lives in Agarthi, in the very centre of the Earth in the fourth dimension, where from there he along with other self-realised and enlightened Beings rules over the matters affecting the Earth.

Master Sameal said that Melchizadek has a very special function of being able to accelerate the liberation of the essence in human beings who are working to free their essence from its conditioning in the ego.

It is very good actually excellent to pray to Melchizadek asking for help and guidance in our life and in our spiritual work as what we do also affects others and others affects the planet and Melchizadek also. He can be a guide and a help for us just as other Masters or enlightened being can be.


The regent of a planet is a Divinity who directs the processes of the planet and is the King of the planet and who is also the manager of the planet’s Fohat. The regent is the director of the planet and the one who created it or took part in its creation.

End (334).

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