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Wednesday 4 March 2015

The Fohat of a Planet - (333)


The word Fohat is a Tibetan term, which refers to the energetic or motion aspect of the Supreme Spirit of life or in familiar Gnostic terms - the Universal Spirit of Life. Madame Blavatsky brought this term to light in her work “The Secret Doctrine”. She explained that it in any form of life, is the link between matter and consciousness. It is the intelligent vital force that shapes the condensation from the spiritual to take form in the physical. It is the intelligent directing force that links spirit to matter.

The Theosophical Glossary says that the Fohat is “the ever-present electrical energy and ceaseless destructive and formative power”. It is said that the Fohat is the constructive power that forms planetary systems, earth chains and nature and man as well. It is the power that brings ideas in the mind of a creator into physical form. For example, when a potter decides to use his hands, time and energy to mould a lump of clay into a clay vase that he has in his imagination, his will is acting as does the Fohat, bringing creation from the mental into the physical.

Fohat in Living Creatures

Every planet and every living thing has a Fohat. The Fohat is fire and so our Divine Mother has the powers of the Fohat. She is the one that creates our body and so in Her is much of that Fohatic power. In our will and in our consciousness there is Fohatic power as well. Because the Fohat is electricity and fire our Divine Mother is the maximum expression of our Fohat. In some way also the Fohat is our vitality and a measure of a living creature’s vital and spiritual force or fire.

Human Fohat

The Fohat of the human being is in its essence and also in its kundalini (much more if the human being awakens it Kundalini) and it’s Divine spark. Will is also part of the Fohat as is vitality and the sexual force.

Planetary Fohat

A Fohat is the Sum of its Parts

Even planets have a Fohat and the Fohat of a planet is a certain minimum measure plus the sum of the Fohats of all the creatures living in that planet as all the units of life of a planet are part of that planet and make up that planet as a living unit.

Strong or Weak Fohat

If the creatures living on a planet, more that anything else its human population are spiritually strong and all have strongly developed Fohats then the Fohat of the planet will be very strong. If a humanity’s Fohat is weak due to the sleeping consciousness and fornication (loss of the sexual energy) the Fohat of the planet will be weak.

Earth has the Weakest Fohat in the Ors Solar System

Our solar system called in esotericism is Ors and it has the weakest Fohat of al the planets. Because of the lack of spiritual development of humanity, that’s right us, we make the planet weak spiritually and physically.


Every living creature has a Fohat, A creature’s fohat is its fire, its electricity which is very intimately linked with its vitality, sexual energy, and its ability to bring down into physical form its ideas, understanding, insight etc. A creature’s Fohat also comes from its inner Divinity as well expressed to the maximum degree in its Divine Mother or Eternal Feminine.

In relation to a planet if its humanity has a Fohat individually strong, the planet’s Fohat will be strong. So too in the human being, if its cells have a strong Fohat then the human being will also have a strong Fohat. The less ego and the more essence and awakened Kundalin a person has the stronger the person’s Fohat will be.

In conclusion working to strengthen our Fohat strengthens the Earth spiritually which also strengthens it physically as well.

End (333).

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