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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Trogoautoegocratic Law - (369)


This law when studying Gnosis, mainly because it is hard to pronounce and remember name is usually put into the ‘too hard and just forget’ about basket. If we see past the name we will find a very important principle that we all actually I think anyway, will find makes good sense and is very important for our life and life in general.

Definition - Quote from Master Samael

“Since many people ignore what the eternal common cosmic “Trogoautoegocratic” law is, it is convenient to clarify the following. This great law is manifested as the reciprocating nourishment of all organisms.”

“This great law permits living interaction among the worlds. In this reciprocal nourishment of planets, in this exchange of planetary substances lies the balanced existence of the worlds around their gravitational centres. In other words, reciprocal nourishment exists among plants, animals and all kinds of species.”

“The functioning of this law would not be possible if we were to violate the equilibrium.”


So to give and take is balance, equilibrium and is within the harmony of the Universe. It is a law of creation and Master Samael says somewhere that it actually is present in the world economies and even in our own personal economy. Not only concerning money, that is what we spend and earn but in all that we give and take, even in the sphere of intentions, thoughts, affection, emotions, love and good or ill will, positive and negative.

If we take we have to give otherwise we will violate the balance and we will be forced at some later time to give! That is the law!

The egos in us that are ignorant of this law are the ones that violates this law.

End (369).


  1. I thought this word, Trogoautoegocrat, was coined by George Gurdjieff in his book, "All and Everything." If not, is it an ancient Gnostic word that he borrowed?
