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Monday 6 April 2015

Conclusion of the Abyss Study - (370)


I agree with many other people that the abyss is a place that we Gnostics don’t want to go or end up, and so we shouldn’t dwell too much on it. I agree with that, though all in balance. To ignore it completely is I think wrong, to think about it all the time and be scared of it is wrong as well.
I think the wise approach is to study the abyss and the errors and causes that can take us there so that we can avoid going there or ending up there. However, it is also very well known that in the work on ourselves and in the initiatic path, the initiates spend great lengths of time there working to dissolve their defects. They obviously do not enjoy being there but it is necessary to go there to get to know their defects, comprehend them and eliminate them.

To Know

There is that principle that we can not get free of something that we do not know. It is always that which we ignore or do not know is that which traps or enslaves us.

What I have Learnt

I learnt from this study that really the breeding ground for the abyss is here in life on level zero, in the realm between the abyss and the heavens. We actually start our descent to the abyss here in the physical world or we start our ascent towards the heavens here as well.

The mistakes that take us to the abyss are performed here in the physical world and the acts that take us up are carried out here as well.

The density and heaviness of our psychology takes us down there after we die physically.

We here of course have a very big decision to make. Should we think, feel and act to go up or to go down. Many of us have already made that choice – to go up. I think just understanding or knowing this is a big help for us, because it makes us more responsible for our destiny and it makes our time here on ground zero, the surface of the Earth much more valuable, because our time here is the a launching pad to take off or either slip downward.

Fear of the Abyss

The major psychological factor in the study of the abyss is fear and the non-acceptance. The fear I believe has to be overcome. It is much better to work on ourselves for the yearning of freedom and to be with our Being than to work on ourselves to escape the abyss because we are scared of it. There are points when we forget this fear and then of course we do not work on ourselves.

No Fear of the Abyss

Really fearing the abyss is something a little illogical. Why? Because it is almost natural or normal for us in our sleeping hypnotised state, that is the abyss is natural or normal according to the way we are and the way we live, in that in the abyss one experiences the egoic states that we live in nearly all the time and are so normal to us. In the abyss we of course have to deal with the egoic states of others which we do all the time anyway.

We have to define ourselves for the light because we may feel very prone to accept the egoic state as natural and then just go to the abyss. But we have to define ourselves for a different nature the nature of the Being which is our primordial, first and only real nature. This is where transmutation comes in because with transmutation we can change our nature to that of the Being’s nature.

Summary - Diagrams

The following diagrams give a good summary of the structure of the abyss or the Earth’s inferior dimensions.

End (370).

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