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Wednesday 8 April 2015

Decisions - (371)


We can at times really stress ourselves out thinking that we have to make a decision. Usually when we forget about having to make the decision the decision happens by itself or circumstance change and move in such a way to help us make the decision.

Sometimes One

Sometimes also decisions get made by something or someone else. All we have to do sometimes is to just make the decision to start and continue and the rest just happens by itself.

Sometimes Two

Sometimes we have to put our part into the matter and then the Being or the Law put their part into the issue and the solution arrives.

Sometimes Three

Sometimes too we are left alone to decide. It is like we are tested just to see what we decide, to see what we choose.

When Awake

When we are awakened we can choose and we can decide but while asleep we actually don't choose, the ego just moves in the same way it has been conditioned to move and our own karma may moves us that way, and we all the time think we have decided.

What to do?

Really it is difficult to know what is best and what the situation is. Well, all that we can do is to not decide anything just yet and go through all of these options paying careful attention to see which one gives the best result. That is to do nothing, to work hard putting our part of the bargain into the picture or decide for ourselves.


What I wanted to say in this post is just decide to start and continue and the rest will happen for us.
When we decide something we open a line or a path that is or whose stages are pre-programmed for us. Much in our work and pain is like that.

End (371).

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