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Monday 20 April 2015

The Ego and Cosmic Order - (385)


In creation there is order and balance, and keeping that order in place are laws and principles. These laws and principles present the order of things and hold everything together in balance and stability.

Essence and Being in Order, Ego in Rebellious Disorder

The essence and the Being are in accordance with those laws and principles. The ego in us on the other hand are not in accordance with those laws and principles. The ego is always the one that breaks these laws and principles. The ego free to act would erode, break, destroy all these laws and principles and eventually create a tremendous disorder.

Abyss is Anti-Order

The abyss is the place for the ego. This is because the abyss is the antithesis of the Being and the natural order. Disorder reigns in the abyss, as does breaking apart, disintegration and destruction.

The ego in us is connected to the abyss and is destructive in nature and because we have had the ego for so long and the consciousness in us is asleep we see the disorder and destruction of the ego as right or correct.

Learning that the Ego is Wrong

A part of the awakening in us is learning that the ego is wrong. This lesson or awakening can be learnt by contrasting the order and harmony in the cosmos with the nature of the ego. The law that the ego is against will teach us the lesson as to why the ego is wrong as soon as we become conscious of that law.

For example it is wrong to walk around naked because it is against the law that sex is intimate and sacred, and that we are all, or humanity that is, living in an inferior octave at the moment.

End (385).

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