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Monday 20 April 2015

Awful Pride - (386)


Pride is the ego in us that finds itself incapable of bowing down to another. It would rather just get angry or use anger to storm off. Especially when we for example have done something wrong or harmful to another with the ego of pride in our human machine (i.e. in our mind and emotions) somehow think that they should be grateful to us or forging. This is something very unrealistic, especially considering that we never act this way when others do us harm.

Pride wants Others to Lower Themselves

With pride we would always like others to end the tension, to break the ice, to succumb, to bow down to us, to apologize or forgive us. With pride we just want hold our high position and never stoop down, even when we are wrong. To be made to ‘come off our high horse' by force makes us very angry.

Pride Impossible to Lower Itself

Pride finds it impossible to lower itself when it thinks it or rather when it considers it has been treated unfairly or wrongly. It believes that we should be forgiven, apologised to or treated nicely.

To neutralize this we have to see our faults and see that we are not that 'high and mighty' and without fault. What is very important is to understand that harmony is better than the ugly tension' of pride.

Good Reasons to Forget Pride

Pride says 'why should I apologize or be nice' in a very intense protest. 'Why should I? Pride cannot see a reason to succumb.

There are really many good reasons to do so. They are:

1.) harmony
2.) friendship
3.) togetherness
4.) good future-relationship
5.) It is easy to do, just smile and say 9 am sorry.


Giving up pride can easily be done and it restores balance, if we feel the awful pride and we feel that we can not apologize, then we are unbalanced to the side of not fulfilling our part. We have to carry out our part and then if we do it we will balance our interior scale and we feel at peace.

Our part is to perhaps apologize and their part is to accept it.

End (386).

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