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Thursday 9 April 2015

Everything Revolves Around Sex - (376)


I remember reading this statement from Master Samael and I never really understood it. Though it seemed really important to me to try and understand it, since it was saying that the basis of all human social activity is really sexual and that meant that if I couldn’t or didn’t understand that then I didn’t really know much about what really goes on in life – that there was something secret underlying truth that I was ignorant of.

This post represents one attempt at trying to understand this teaching of Master Samael.

Three Stages in Sexual Interaction

Every kind of sexual interaction has three stages, a beginning, a peak and an end. For supersexuality the peak is not the loss of the sexual energy and the peak can be at the same level of intensity as the end but the end is far in time from the peak. In normal sexual activities the peak is the end and the end in time is very close to the peak, almost coinciding.

Every interaction between human beings is sexual but not on the level of the interaction between the physical interaction of the sexual organs. The lustful person tends to take or gravitate or pull down all the human interactions to that level of the physical sexual organ interaction. The lustful person knows that they can not go to that level because it is not acceptable, so they use their word, saying things that have a double meaning, have innuendo and connotations at.

General Human Interaction has the Three Stages

Each type of human interaction is sexual in some way because it always follows these three stages. The correct vision Gnostically is to know that sex is everywhere though it is expressed in different octaves and we can not make the whole of life the sexual organs and the senses and the sexual act.

Lust has to understand this, that everything is not sexual at the organs level, but at the different octaves or levels of the exchange of life force, of which sexual energy is a direct expression of. Sex creates, and any human interaction also creates, such as friendship, trust, a deal, an agreement, a pact, a contract, a success etc.


The less lust we have the clearer and more correct our interactions will be in relation especially to others of the opposite sex!

Every human interaction involves life force or sexual energy and so it is sexual and it also has a beginning, a peak and an end. Even a simple conversation has these three stages.

This is one lesson from working to dissolve lust, this effort or work teaches the right use of sexuality in all the spheres of life! There is a correct expression or use of the sexual energy at the correct octave for every occasion and interaction in life. For example, a problem requires the use of our sexual energy at the level or octave of creativity and force to think of the solution and carry it out.

End (376).

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