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Tuesday 14 April 2015

Why Learn about the Absolute? - (377)

Abstract and Impractical Perhaps

Naturally the topic of the Absolute is a very abstract subject and one that is seemingly impossible to grasp with our mind. After all, how can the finite (our mind) grasp the infinite, impossible! Despite this, commonly we regard the absolute as something so very far away and the study of the Absolute as something impractical. However, from a knowledge point of view, it is very useful to study the Absolute.

Origin and Destination

Why? Because, the Absolute is the very initial origin and the very final resting point of us all. The Absolute answers those two very fundamental questions that none of us seem to have an answer for, where have we come from and where are we going. We have come from the Absolute and we are going back there.

It is so useful to know where we have come from and where we are going, so to put our life into perspective and of course to understand our origin is to understand ourselves. To understand our final destination is to understand what we are doing here in creation and life, and how we must travel so to reach our destination.


The Absolute is the cause of all things and the Absolute encompasses all. There is nothing that is outside of the Absolute. Just as the name suggests, the Absolute is the Absolute there is nothing beyond it or greater than it.

How can we Study it?

Only the great Masters or enlightened ones were more readily able to bring back to us knowledge of the Absolute, this is not to say that a person can not acquire knowledge of the Absolute, but because of the high development of the consciousness that these great enlightened ones had, they were able to experience the Absolute directly through mystical ecstasy and bring the knowledge of their experiences down to us here on Earth.

It just happens that Master Samael was one of these great enlightened beings that was able to go to the Absolute with his consciousness and as difficult as it was to express in Words, describe to us here how the Absolute is. The following posts are extracts on what Master Samael has to say about the Absolute.

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