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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Symptoms of Disconnection from the Being or the Work - (387)


We can get disconnected from the work and the Being due to many causes and egos, not only due to lust or pride.

The things that we feel when we are in a low state of disconnection are the following:

1.) Feeling empty inside and feeling others and life are also empty and devoid of meaning.

2.) A loss of faith, one believes less in the work and in the possibilities of the work. One becomes more sceptical and cynical than before.

3.) One is polarized with the ego and believes more in the ego and the personality.

4.) One feels weak in all the senses, physically, vitally or energetically and spiritually. One feels like an empty shell.

5.) One feels confused, not sure what to do, to work on oneself and die in the ego or do nothing. One feels confused about the ego, it is difficult to understand the ego and to know what is clearly wrong and what is clearly right. The ego seems more right.

6.) We suffer a drop in the value of our self-image. One starts to think of one as a failure, incapable and degenerated.

7.) Loss of happiness. One only feels happy and relieved when Gnosis class finishes or we have time to ourselves and our own devices. So our happiness becomes very conditioned and relative to not working on ourselves. We are unhappy with the work. We lose our unconditional happiness if we had it, that is our happiness where we are happy anytime and everywhere.

8.) We are happy having a break from Gnosis and working on ourself. We don't look forward to retreats or other Gnostic activities.

9.) We associate with others who are struggling with the work, or have a negative attitude towards Gnosis or our instructor.

10.) We feel anxiety very frequently, because deep down we know we are in a wrong state and to keep this state for loo long will bring in karma and difficulties.

11.) We start to think that it is not bad that people leave Gnosis. We in general rebel against all the so called rules or dogmas. We defy the belief that people have "we will go to the abyss if we leave Gnosis" etc.


If any of these symptoms are being felt we can work or make efforts to change our attitude or state. If we employ our faith once again in the work and slowly start to work we can reverse all of this.

End (387).

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