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Tuesday 14 April 2015

The Absolute - (378)

Introduction to Extract by V.M Samael Aun Weor

This extract written by V.M Samael Aun Weor is very good for us to get an idea and feeling of what the Absolute is.

When one reads these paragraphs one comes to the conclusion that the Absolute is something indescribably profound, more profound than our greatest capacity of comprehension, yet we are all of it and that gives hope that one day we can know of its great mystery.


“The Absolute is the Being of all Beings. The Absolute is that which is, has always been, and always will be. It expresses as abstract absolute movement and repose. It is the cause of Spirit and of matter, but is neither one nor the other. The Absolute is beyond the mind; and the mind cannot understand it because what we must do is intuit its nature.

The Absolute is beyond conditioned life. Beyond that which is relative is the Real Being, (He). He is Non-Being because He does not retain any relationship whatsoever with our concepts, but is however, “The Real Being”. Because we do not understand this intellectually, for us all of this is as Non-Being, although it is the Real Being of Being.

To be is better than to exist, and the reason for Being of the Being is the Being itself. Our legitimate existence is in the Absolute, which is a Non- Being; to the human reason a non-existence.

The Absolute is not a God, and is neither a Divine nor human individual; it would be absurd to give form to that which does not have form; it would be nonsensical to attempt to anthropomorphise space.

The Absolute is certainly unconditioned and eternal abstract space, far beyond Gods and men. The Absolute is uncreated Light which casts no shadow anywhere during the profound night of the Great Pralaya.

The Absolute is beyond time, number and measure; beyond weight, chance, beyond form, fire, light and darkness. Nonetheless, it is fire and uncreated light.”


This extract by Master Samael at least answers for us what the Absolute is not, and invites us to change our concepts about the Absolute and about what God is.

End (378).

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