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Tuesday 5 May 2015

Earth’s Karma is as Humanity is - (395)


This post follows on from previous posts, expressly the posts which established that humanity is a very important organ of the Earth. This post essentially says that because humanity is part of the Earth the karma of humanity is also the karma of the Earth.

State of Humanity

We all know that the state of humanity is not at all good. There are so many problems and difficulties that if were different in our nature and psychology these problems, conflicts, struggles, difficulties would be greatly diminished or even non-existent.

Because we are like this in our nature, with greed, violence, lust, pride etc. we actually destroy other human beings and parts of the planet.

Organs of the Earth Fighting Each Other

Because humanity is harming the Earth with mining and deforestation etc. and harming harming itself with wars and conflicts it is very similar to the situation of a body’s organ attacking itself and attacking other organs in the same body.

It is like the earth is destroying itself from inside itself. This situation is very similar to cancer in the human body.

Humanity is like a Cancer for the Earth

Because of the current state of the humanity’s psychology we are like a cancer for the Earth. Because of our psychology we go about harming and destroying each other, plants, animals and minerals. Just as cancer does.

So is it Earth’s fault that we are like this or is it our fault? Because when we get cancer as a human being it is due to something, which at times can be our own fault.


This post has a very tricky message in it. Either we humanity are like the way we are due to the karma of the Earth and we are innocent or it is due to our – humanity’s previous errors. Maybe the truth is that it is both, some of it is due to the previous errors of a very remotely ancient humanity and some if it is due to karmic debts of the consciousness or intelligence that is now in the Earth.

End (395).

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