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Monday 4 May 2015

Humanity is an Organ of the Planet - (394)


We most certainly believe that we human beings have life, we may even believe that we have a soul and a spirit as well. When it comes to animals and plants we see that they have life but we consider them as an inferior form of life or a form of life that is without soul or spirit. Besides the latter point in general we still seem to have some respect overall for plants and animals and do consider them as having life. However, when it comes to the Earth, our planet we seem not to be so convinced that the Earth is a living and breathing organism. Maybe that is why we in general are so willing to exploit it rather than protect it.

Maybe we see the Earth that way because it is doesn’t talk to us or because it is so much larger than we and we can hug it and put it into our arms and examine all of it or maybe it is just because we are so self-centred and we see ourselves as the only ones that have real life and anything else is there for our purposes.

The Earth has Life

The Earth sustains life, gives life and therefore has to have life. How can anything dead give warmth, move, provide a dynamic environment where many different forces are at play and intelligently interact in such so as to not create disharmony. Imagine that the Earth’s intelligence as a living being is expressed in the balance of all its thousands of natural processes.

If we are to see the Earth as an organism and not as something dead that has come to be this marvellous human life sustainer as the result of billions of years of trial and error then our understanding about the Earth and ourselves has the chance to be greatly deepened.

The Earth is a product of the cosmos and therefore is sustained and nourished by the cosmos. We will speak more about that later, but for now let’s see the Earth as a living organism, with all its parts and organs. That great maximum “As above so below” makes so much sense here, because we have organs it must have come from the same design as above, which is the planet. So the planet must have its organs as well.

The Plants and Animals

The Earth has several organs, one of them all serving very specific and immutable expressions can be seen in the oceans, rivers, mountains and also in the mineral kingdom and in the planet, animal and human beings.

The Atmosphere is an Organ

Even the atmosphere is a something of a “Sheath organ”, which means that the atmosphere is the one that receives the cosmic influences from above and then transforms and passes them downward to be absorbed by the Earth in a much more palatable form.

Human Beings the Most Important Organ

Human Beings are by far the most important organ that the planet Earth has, because human beings are the only organism that can receive the three primary forces of the cosmos. This is because human beings have the three brains, which are among other things receptacles for receiving cosmic forces. The plants and animals only receive two or only one of the primary force of the cosmos.

When the human being through its three brains receives the three cosmic primary forces the human organism processes and transforms these forces and then later unconsciously and automatically transmits them to the Earth, nourishing it. This makes the nourishment that the Earth receives from human beings far superior than the nourishment received from plants and animals, i.e. two and one brained creatures.


The planet Earth is a great and powerful living creature that like us has organs, intelligence, consciousness, matter and spirit. We human beings are its most important organ. The forests, the rivers, the oceans, the mountains, the various animal species, the rocks, minerals and metals are also organs, nerves, capillaries, veins etc. of the physical body of the planetary organism of our great Mother Earth.

End (394).

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