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Thursday 7 May 2015

Lust is the Search for Pleasure without Consultation to the Whole - (402)


There are many definitions that we could give to lust, and as one’s level of understanding grows so too does this definition. Anyhow at the moment I have this definition of lust to forward in this post.


Lust is the search for pleasure of the sexual centre without consultation of or to the whole. What this really means is that lust is the psychological process or processes where a decision is made to procure the circumstances where the sexual centre can act in such a way that it experiences sensations that fuel a desire to experience more sensations until the sexual centre’s capacity to continue experiencing sensations is overwhelmed.

Sexual Centre Acting by Itself

In lust the sexual centre is set up to act all by itself. In the case of lust the sexual centre is the centre leading or driving the situation. It is after the stimulus to produce sensations. It is of course an absurd situation because the sexual centre is devoid of vision, the sexual centre is an energy source. The intellectual centre has vision not the sexual centre.

The situation with the sexual centre leading is creates a war or a division inside of ourselves because our emotion and intellect may not agree with it and what it is propelling us towards and so we become divided.

Battle is Lost or Won

The other centres in us lose the battle to the sexual centre when the consciousness is focussed only on the pleasure then the centres polarise with the goal of the sexual centre and then the battle is lost. The other centres should really focus on the reality of what will happen.

Sexual Centre must Work but in Accordance with the Whole

The sexual centre in us must work. It must work otherwise it atrophies and we waste such a marvellous instrument. But the way it must work just as everything else must work is in harmony with the rest of ourselves. It must work in such a way that it does not create a war inside of ourselves.


Conclusion - Transmuting is the Key

To transmute is the key. That is the use of the sexual centre that does not create war inside of ourselves. The sexual centre works under the vision and guidance of the intellect and under the inspiration and motivation of the emotional centre. While transmuting one transforms the raw sexual energy into something else that enhances the body, the mind, the soul and the spirit.

End (402).

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