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Thursday 7 May 2015

Redeeming the Functions of the Being - (400)

Right and Wrong

When the function of the Being is redeemed He, the Being learns what is wrong and what is right. With this knowledge He can then execute that function correctly, and when that happens the ego’s role is over.


The hard part is getting to that stage, understanding that the ego has a function and understanding the right and the wrong and then anchoring one in the right through deep comprehension. This does take time and involves knowing very well the wrong functioning and more importantly knowing with our consciousness that it is wrong.

Comprehension is Action

We know that something is wrong when we stop the wrong in action and do the right in action.


When this understanding is arrived at the ego loses much force. This is because the ego is the wrong functioning of the Being. Repentance is really a deeper understanding or a deeper level of comprehension and it incorporates both right and wrong and the knowledge of both and ultimately it is giving up the wrong functioning for the right one. It is in-depth conscious acknowledgement of the wrong functioning.


We need in depth comprehension of right and wrong to be able to repent and when we act out the right and see and understand its benefits we are able to repent and give up the wrong functioning. It so happens that the right functioning is really the free functioning in the Being, which is beyond relativity and duality.

End (400).

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