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Friday 1 May 2015

Sexual Centre an Instrument of the Being - (393)

Esoteric Understanding

This post is about an esoteric insight. I think all esoteric knowledge when comprehended with our consciousness can have the power within us to put the ego aside.

From an esoteric point of view our body and our centres belong to our Being, because with them and through them He completes his work of realising Himself. So most certainly, the sexual centre is His most precious and powerful instrument for His realization.

How Much?

The thing is, how much do we understand that? How much do we in our mind, heart and sexual centre understand that? How much do we live that out?

Maybe we are just starting and that is good, because when we do it, we arrive at peace and lust suffers a considerable defeat or weakening at least.

Implications of the Sexual Centre Belonging to the Being

The sexual centre belongs to our Being. So what we need is not necessarily what He needs.
If we surrender our sexual centre to our Being let Him decide what He needs and when, let us not decide for ourselves and act falsely and ruin His plans. It is His and He knows best about what to do with it.


If we don’t have something it is because we don’t need it. The Being is moving all these things for us. We have to trust in the Being. That puts us at peace, trust in Him and let Him work for us and when He gives the signal cooperate with Him.

End (393).

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