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Tuesday 2 June 2015

Fear is about Trust - (413)


Fear is the inversion of that marvellous value of our consciousness or our Being that is called trust. Every instance of fear in a human being has rejection, pain, distrust and fear of the consequences.

Fear is Distrust

Within fear there is a tremendous distrust. The result is that we with fear have come to not trust anyone or anything.

If for example, we are mistreated or betrayed by someone we trust, our previous trust in that person is converted into distrust.

If a person goes into a house and is abused, for sure they do not want to go to that house again. The result of that experience is that we come to profoundly distrust that house and profoundly trust that something bad will happen to us if we go to that house again. That distrust or trust in the negative is fear.

The maximum in trust is that: “whatever happens I will be ok”. This is trust in our Being that He is powerful enough to make us all ok in very difficult circumstances.

If we are doing good we can trust that we are going to be fine, as the law of cause and effect never fails, it is always there solid and unmoving. If we do good, by law good will come to us.

Two Faces of Trust

Trust has two faces. One is for example: “I trust you will not hurt me” and the second one is that “we trust that whatever happens, we or God in us will manage or handle it all”.

The second face is the more complete one, because sometimes what we with the first face trust won’t happen, can happen and then if it does happen we have to have trust in ourselves and in our Being inside of us that we be ok or will manage and pull through those difficulties.

Where is our Trust?

We tend now days to trust in matter more now than in God. We actually trust more in ourselves and matter. God is the one that is above and on top of everything so putting our trust in God is to put everything that we can not control in His hands. Even if we trust in ourselves there are things that we can not control or influence and so fear may arise in us.

Trust and God

Men have lost the trust in faith and in God because they tried to reach God but somewhere along the line failed. Failure always brings about a loss in trust and faith.

There is a great lack of trust in the spirit and a huge trust in the ego, the mind and in the person. The solution is to build trust or faith on knowledge or experience. Otherwise it is only in the mind and things of the mind can easily be shaken off.


We acquire trust once again through acting not through anything else. Conscious faith is that is which is based on knowledge and past experience. This is the solution to acquire faith and trust and thus the most powerful weapon to combat fear.

End (413).

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