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Wednesday 3 June 2015

Origin of Fear - (414)


The origin of fear is karma, because karma is all about punishment and suffering the consequences. Karma is the origin of our primordial fear.

We are not scared of the thing but we are scared of the consequences. It is the consequences only that scare us.

Fear is also a causal karmic ego. This is because it has been brought about by multiple causes and is the result of us having made mistakes in the past. It is in many instances like the punishment for having made mistakes.

Spiritual Origin

The origin of fear is spiritual or esoteric. It lies in the belief that we can not go back to the Being or the Absolute or in other words to our Divine self, where there is peace, illumination and happiness.

The person who had or has fear had a tremendous trust before. We trusted the Divinity but with the fall we came to distrust the Divinity and create fear.

Karma is what always destroys our faith and trust. A sceptical person was one who had great faith in something before!

Fear Origin Process

The process of the creation of fear is:

Mistake -> Karma -> Pain -> Rejection of the Pain (Fear)

Fear all starts with us transgressing, that is going beyond a law or a limit. That is stretching things too far, making a mistake or breaking the balance.

This transgression has its consequences, which is the karma or the process of us restoring the broken balance, and this is usually costly, requires much effort and is painful.

Naturally we then come to reject that pain that is required of us to restore the balance that we broke. That rejection of pain is fear. The memory of that pain is also fear and the anticipation of that pain is also fear.


We normally don't blame ourselves for our mistakes or our fears. Hence we don't take responsibility for our mistakes and that is why we reject the karma that we have. The karma that we have and hence our fear, is due to our own past actions. If we are to take responsibility for it, and decide to work so as to pay it things change in us in relation to that karmic debt and the fear we have.

Fear covers our lack of responsibility and is the cause of us rejecting or avoiding pain which makes us to continue our fear. For example, if you are scared of someone, accept or take responsibility for having offended them or having caused their negative attitude towards you or take responsibility of having done it to others in the past, in the case you have not done anything to offend this person that you are scared of.

End (414).

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