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Thursday 25 June 2015

Intellectual Centre can be a Syphon – (440)


The intellectual centre can be very useful and helpful and when put to the correct use it can do really marvellous things. However, as duality exists the intellectual centre can also do the opposite for us, and in this post I want to concentrate on how the intellectual centre can be a syphon of our emotional and sexual powers. Just as the picture below shows. The energy from our emotional or sexual centre is syphoned into the intellect and then within the intellectual processes that syphoned energy gets burnt up, with no practical and positive result for us or anyone else.

Just to finish this introduction, the intellectual centre is at its best when it’s processes move close to reality. In fact the better they embrace reality the better, that is when the intellectual centre really comes to light, and of course the opposite as well. When the intellectual centre veers far from reality, that is when it goes into fantasy that is when is does us the most disservice.

Emotional Arousal

When our emotions are aroused our emotional energy is fully active and we are very inspired and motivated and prone to act. However, if we do not act, we can then channel all that energy into our intellect and consume it with fantasy. That is acting in our mind, or more to the point, in the scenarios invented by and in our mind.

This can happen a lot when we listen to music that we particularly like.

Sexual Arousal

When our sexual centre is aroused the energy of the sexual centre is prone to move. If we transmute we move the energy inwardly and then we use the intellect in a very realistic way, imagining the energy rising up our spine and into our brain etc. However, we can also go into fantasy to make the energy move out, and the energy always moves out when we imagine unreal scenarios and believing something mistaken i.e. not real.


We have to avoid that of our intellectual centre becoming a syphon for our emotional and sexual energy. That way we can save our powers and energies and use them for something esoteric.

End (440).

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