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Wednesday 24 June 2015

We Can not Lose Love – (439)


We can not lose love! This is very good to know and to put firmly into our mind, heart and consciousness. This understanding will help us immensely in life and in our relationships.

Why we Can’t Lose Love

We can not lose love because love comes from within us. Love belongs to our Being and to our consciousness. So as long as we have the Being and have our consciousness we will feel love. We will always be able to love, and even love those who do not love us. But the truth is that those who not love us actually really love us when they are in their Being or in their consciousness.

It is better to give love and when we are giving love we are feeling love, our love or love is present.


Self-love is the obstacle to understanding this. It believes that love must come to us, and that love can be lost it believes, because it thinks love is only what comes to us. It does not know about us feeling and giving love. It is only concerned with love coming to us from outside, and furthermore it does not like to give love.

Filling that Void that Self-Love Feels

If we love our Being we will feel complete and that hole or gap that we feel when we have self-love can be filled. The opposite of self-love is the love for our Being. Furthermore our Being loves us always and so does everyone else in their consciousness. They may not love us in their ego but in their Being and consciousness they do. So we ca never say that no one loves us, because it is not true.


We have to repolarise our love and be happier giving love than receiving and when we feel that emptiness, disappointment or lacking turn that love that we always have with us towards our inner Being and know that our Being loves us and then with that flow of love going inwardly we can fill that void or emptiness that we feel with our own love. After all it is our job or our role to love ourselves or our Being. Loving your Being is loving your essence and consciousness and that does not hurt anyone.

End (439).


  1. It seems sometimes it's easy to the love the being, I can feel a natural reverence and appreciation for everything my Divine parents do. And then other times I don't have that sense and also I can't feel them or imagine them being there like they do not feel very tangible compared to what's in the material world that I can physically sense with my 5 senses... I guess I just need to keep working on awareness, prayer, disintegrating the ego and working on deepening my connection with them so I can feel them more...

  2. The Being in us is not always with us, they our Divine parents come and go. There are periods where they are close and periods where they are distant. Even I have heard when a person incarnates the Being. The Being is not always there with the person. When the Being is present then a force, serenity and natural confidence and trust is felt.
