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Monday 29 June 2015

Opposite of Self-Love is Love for the Being – (442)


This came as quite an impact to me actually. This is something that I had not heard of before, but in reality just as every defect has its opposite in a virtue, every ego must also have its opposite, and self-love can be no exception.


Self-Love is all about receiving love from others so that we can feel well about ourselves. It is about making sure we are loved by others and regarded highly in the minds and feelings of others. It is not really about giving love to them or about us loving our Being.

Opposite of Self-Love

Knowing what self-love is we can imagine or construct the opposite. The opposite in this is case is loving the Being in us and that means that we give more than we receive and that we do not require the love from others to feel well with and within ourselves. We instead love our Being and use the degree to which we love our Being and give to others as the basis for our feeling well with ourselves.


Cultivating the love for the Being will help us to fill the void that is created when we feel that others do not love us. In fact when we love our Being we love everyone else as well. We are generating love and are becoming love and so, we can say that we have love and so do not need it from others.

End (442).


  1. Thanks for the inspiration to serve and love the being... I guess some ways of doing this are: making appointments with the being to meditate, going against the ego when it's not enjoyable, prayer and veneration to the being....

  2. Hi David and thanks for your comment.You are right they are all actions that are loving the Being. Also we can spend time trusting in the Being and also in prayer sending your love to the Being. A very important one is to not allow yourself the egoical pain of self-love, that is a way of loving the Being as well.

  3. Looking after our health and basic needs, is that love for the being?

  4. It is even sublimated when we consciosuly look after our health purposefully for our Divine Inner Being.
