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Monday 29 June 2015

People Aren’t Against Us – (443)


The belief that people are against us is a terribly powerful belief and is the cause behind many negative states such as anger, anxiety, feeling rejected and depression, just to name a few. It is really worth going into it.

Are they Really?

People may really be against us in a very obvious way, so much so that it can not be denied. They may even say it as well. In that it would be stupid of us to not accept that they are against us. I will deal with this case a little later on, however it is wrong of us to absolutely assume or belief this.

Why? Because in their consciousness and when they are their consciousness they do not hate anyone or they are not against anyone. So when people are their real selves they are not against anyone. Only one of their egos is or maybe two or three of their egos are and we can not do much about that. Well we may even deserve it for a while.

What About if they Are

Well there is the case where people are really openly and obviously against us and then we have to find what that means to us. Why that causes us trouble. The answer is always in our thoughts, because as soon as we think that thought “they are against us” we suffer. No thought no suffering.

However, coming as an offshoot from that thought is our interpretation or extension of what thinking that thought means to us. Like it may mean hardship for us, a breaking of our belief that there is nothing wrong with us and that people should like us, or people are really cruel etc. We have to question how true each one of those offshoots are and then accept their opposites. Anyway, even if there openly against you when they are their consciousness or their essence they won’t be against you.


First don’t or try not to believe that people are against us, because in reality when they are their real reality which is their essence, their Being or their consciousness they are not against anyone at all!

End (443).

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