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Tuesday 9 June 2015

Points to Do with Self-Love - (420)


This is short post where I am only for the moment going to limit myself to posting some of the major points to do with a branch of Pride called Self-Love. In later posts I really hope to develop in more details each of these points.

Self-Love is the branch of pride that has to do with looking after our emotional feeling or sense of fairness, justice and balance. Self-love is very active in personal relationships and in general in the interrelationships with others.

Each of these points have also been listed in the order in which self-love develops or unfolds.

1 - Expectation and Reality

We have some sort of an expectation about how we should be treated. In other words we have in us, our mind, many “should be’s”. Self-love arises when we in reality receive something that is very different in the negative sense than the expectation or “should be” that we have in our mind. This difference or imbalance is the cause or start of self-love. Mind you these expectations are very emotional and intimate sometimes and pertain to our feelings as a friend, a husband, a person, a man, a woman a human being etc.

2 - Hurt, Offended, Disappointed

When this imbalance is felt we felt hurt, offended, wronged, unfairly treated etc. Self-love is very emotional and painful. Self-love always feels hurt or wronged. If this is not present then there is no self-love.

3 - Inner Imbalance

We feel a great lacking, an unfairness, an injustice and we are compelled to act to sort it out and get even or clarify so right this unfairness or imbalance.

4 - Action to Repair our Image how we see ourselves and or how others see us.

Out of this feeling of unfairness we act, all in an effort to repair. Self-love is so much about repairing the damage done to our image (the way we see ourselves), and the way others see us and think and feel towards us.

5 - Creation of Psychological Debt

If we can not balance our inner scale we create a psychological debt against he other person, our self to other party. This is resentment.

6 - Compensate (revenge) with the Same Value or Quality.

When we can take revenge on our resentment we do so by delivering the exact same value or quality. If we were insulted with words we insult back with eh exact same words. If we were hit, we hit back in the same way, if we were laughed at we laugh back, if we were offended, we offend in the same way. If we were ridiculed or isolated we do the same back. It is always like that.

7 - Accounting Book Memory of Psychological Debt

Once we create a psychological debt and we do not ‘get even’ say we accumulate a whole list of debts. The memory of these debts in us forms what we call the “Accounting Book”. We all carry around our own particular accounting book.

End (420).

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