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Wednesday 10 June 2015

We are Connected to the Ocean - (421)


We have while we live on Earth some connection to the Ocean. This post, though brief is all about this connection or rather the importance of eh Ocean to our everyday life.

Earth’s One Ocean

There is only one ocean really. It is only us that has divided it artificially into the five oceans of the world, which are the: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Artic oceans. These five oceans all connects are form the one world ocean which is also connected to many of the world’s rivers.

This one world ocean covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface, making the Earth’s surface more ocean than land. In effect the ocean is one of Earth’s greatest powers and one of the largest parts of the Earth.

It is said that this one ocean covers about 142 million square miles.

The Universal Waters of Life

The Absolute has been likened to an Ocean and the sexual waters from where all life springs has been likened to an Ocean. So in the waters we find the origin of life and as Master Samael says, the ocean is the chaos or the primordial waters of life of the Planet Earth. Or in other words the oceans are the seminal entity of the Earth. As we come from the Earth and everything that is in and on the Earth has its origin in Earth’s seminal entity or waters of life, we too have our very ancient origin in the ocean.

Ocean is like a Mother

Following on from the above paragraph the ocean is like our Mother because our Mother is the place from where we have all come. In ancient times the Goddesses and saints that were worshipped were given names that were derived from the sea. Such as Mara, Maia, Mary, Maria, Marian and Miriam, where the Latin root word for the sea is mare. Also in French la mere means mother and la mer means sea, both words are very close. Also the goddesses Aphrodite, Ishtar and Venus were all called Stella Maris, meaning the Star of the Sea. The Virgin Mary also has flowing white and blue vestments symbolising the blue of the waters and the white of the waves.


For some people the sea or the ocean is very calming on the emotions. Maybe because when we approach the sea or the Ocean with some peace the healing, vitality and power of the ocean as Mother washes over us drawing us closer to our source and calming, revitalising and healing us.

End (421).

1 comment:

  1. The ocean is very healing for myself. I get eczema time to time and going in the ocean really helps heal my skin. I always feel so revitalized after going in the ocean as if I get a baptism each time.

    That’s really interesting, the link between the Divine Mother and Ocean. I like hearing comparisons like this, it helps me have more reverence to my Divine Mother for just how important she is and just how much work she does for humanity.
