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Thursday 11 June 2015

We All have to Develop a Secret Quality in Life - (422)


About the payment of karma - how do we pay karma? The answer is with either work or with values. Values mean to develop and acquire virtues or positive qualities that help us and others spiritually.

A reason Why we are Here

We come into life with the need to develop certain qualities or virtues. We are given many opportunities in a life time to develop these virtues or values.

The reason why a person is a doctor or a nurse is because they have been given by the law a chance to serve, which is in line with or is what they need to do or develop in life.

Many Opportunities

When we are sleep we continue to reject these opportunities. For example if there is a person who needs to develop tolerance the person will have several visitors coming to him or her for him or her to develop tolerance.

It could be teaching, and so many people come to our lives for help but we send them always away. So the very important question is to what is it in our life that we have to develop.

What could it be? Maybe it be to learn how to say no. Maybe we need to develop force, maybe to die consciously. We are really given many opportunities to develop the virtues of the soul.


The Divine Law commands us to develop these virtues. We have to do it in our life.

How can we give others values? We are so materialistic now that we only compensate others with money. Though we can give others values by developing these virtues and then giving them the fruit of these virtues, such as if we develop patience then we are patient with them and we show their souls how beautiful patience is, etc.

Sometimes we have to pay certain debts in our life and they are best paid by using our virtues and paying with the fruit of using those virtues. That is much better for all, then paying with pain.

End (422).

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