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Sunday 26 July 2015

Ain - (463)


This article provides an excerpt by the V.M Samael Aun Weor describing the inner most aspect of the Absolute. It is very tempting to use the words area, section or zone instead of aspect, but because the absolute is space and it is not space. That is space, in the way that creation is part of it and there is space in creation, but also because the Absolute is beyond measurement, form and boundaries which always define an area, a section and a zone.

However, this article describes the Ain the inner most aspect of the Absolute. The main point being that Ain is beyond what has been created, so it is beyond form and any kind of manifestation.


Abstract Space is the Causa Causorum of all that is, has been and will be. Profound and joyful space is certainly the incomprehensible “Seity”, the ineffable mystic root of the seven Cosmos, the mysterious origin of all that we know as spirit, matter, universes, suns, worlds, etc.

“That”, the Divine, the space of happiness, is a tremendous reality beyond the universe and the Gods. “That” has no dimension whatsoever, and truly is that which will always be and has been; it is the life which palpitates intensely in each atom and each sun.

Let us now speak of the great ocean of the Spirit - how can it be defined? It is certainly Brahama, the first differentiation or modification of “That” before which Gods and men tremble.

Is “That” spirit? In truth I say to you that it is not. Is “That” matter? I say to you that it certainly is not.

“That” is the root of spirit and of matter, but is neither one nor the other. “That” transcends the laws of number, measure and weight, surface area, quantity quality, in front, behind, above, below, etc.

“That” is the immutable in profound divine abstraction, Light which has never been created by any God, nor by any man, that which does not have name.

Brahama is spirit, but “That” is not spirit. Ain, the unmanifested, is uncreated Light.

The Absolute is life free in its movement, is the supreme reality; is abstract space which only expresses as absolute abstract movement, limitless happiness, total omniscience.

The Absolute is uncreated Light and perfect plenitude, absolute happiness, life free in its movement, life with out conditions, without limits.

In the Absolute we pass beyond karma and the Gods; beyond the Law.

The mind and individual consciousness only serve to cause distress in life. In the Absolute we do not have mind nor individual consciousness.

There, we are unconditioned being, free and absolutely happy.

The Absolute is life free in its movement, without conditions, without limitations, without the mortifying fear of the Law; life beyond spirit and matter, beyond karma and suffering.

The Absolute is Absolute Abstract Space, Absolute Abstract Movement, Absolute Liberty without conditions, without reservations, Absolute Omniscience and Absolute Happiness.

We have to put an end to the action of the “I” to enter the Absolute. The human “I” must enter the house of the dead; must go to the communal grave of the astral remains. It must be disintegrated in the abyss so that the Being may be born filled with majesty and power.

It is only impersonal life and the Being which may give us the rightful happiness of the Great Life, free in its movement.

To do battle, to struggle, to suffer, to finally liberate oneself, to be lost like a glistening droplet in the ocean of uncreated Light is, without doubt, the greatest yearning.

Before entering the Absolute one must prepare oneself in the region of Atala; here the beings are colourless, here lives a man who was not able to enter the Absolute because he invented the words Good and Evil in place of using the words Evolutive and Involutive, and so created karma.

Humanity has been adversely affected by these two words. It is said of everything that “that is Bad” or “that is Good”, and thus, all that which invites us to study the Internal Values is brought to a standstill. For this reason, that Holy Man is waiting.

We need to help people to exchange these two words for Evolutive and Involutive. In the bosom of the Absolute there exists a great exaltation. The Paramarthasattyas are little by little exalted, and pass far beyond any possible comprehension.

Excerpt from the book: “Tarot and Kabbalah”, Chapter 50 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


Contrary to our thoughts, Ain where there is nothing of manifestation or creation, or form or measurement or colour but only the Great Life and uncreated light, there is great happiness. Obviously once again this is for the consciousness and the spirit in us. Our mind being so attached to the things of this Earthly life can not conceive of happiness without the many forms of entertainment we have in our current life. However for the consciousness the Ain is great freedom and happiness far from the laws, restrictions and pains of creation.

End (463).

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